Fatality and Flora Zine
Fatality and Flora is a SFW digital, for-charity zine that will feature original-character couples inspired by the legend of Hades and Persephone.
We are now ACCEPTING ORDERS! Get your copy HERE!
Mod Intro
Mod AJ
Heyo! I'm AJ! This will be the second project that I've been a mod for - the first was Legends Zine: From Storybook to Heart, where I was responsible for organization, social media, internal communications (email and discord), layout, graphics, beta-ing and production. Check it out here: From Storybook to Heart
I also have experience in other zines as a contributor! I was a page artist in Hope: A Nagito Komaeda Zine and am currently a writer in 四十八: A Dororo Fanzine.
Mod Ecila
Hey! I'm Ecila, and I'm a friend of AJ. I get to be a mod, which is super cool! It is my first time making a zine, so AJ will be my senpai and show me how everything is done. I'm friendly (I don't bite!) and I hyperventilate about cute ships, art and fanfiction, so I'm excited to work with you all to make this zine happen!
Have any questions? Send us an email at fatalityandflorazine@gmail.com or a Twitter dm (@fatalityflora)!
Zine Details
What's the theme for this zine?
This zine will feature OC couples that are inspired by the famous Ruler of the Dead and their Sunshine from Greek Mythology: Hades and Persephone.
It will be split up into 4 sections, representing the 4 different seasons and stages of Hades and Persephone's relationship detailed below:
❅ Winter: this section will be about the time that couples spend together
❀ Spring: this section will feature couples preparing to be apart for whatever reason the creator chooses (e.g. modern AU where one character is about to go on a business trip)
☀ Summer: this section will revolve around the time couples spend apart
⚜ Fall: this section will focus on couples that are about to be reunited after not seeing each other for an extended period of time
Didn't Hades kidnap Persephone in the original legend?
Yes, the original legend includes some problematic components as most ancient mythology did. This zine will aim to re-invent the tale, focusing instead on the timeless themes of "opposites attract" and "distance makes the heart grow fonder". Couples will all be consenting adults - the only exception will be high school AUs where the two characters are a year or less apart in age. Additionally, all pieces will be SFW.
How will this zine be sold?
The plan is for this zine to be $2-5 USD (exact amount will be decided later) minimum with donations being paid directly to the chosen charity. Buyers will fill out a Google Form with their email and a screenshot confirmation of their donation (with payment details/any identifying component blurred or crossed out).
If there's enough interest, we will offer digital merch incentives (wallpapers, icons, extra stories, etc.) to donate more to the chosen charity.
How many contributors are you planning on accepting?
After reviewing the responses from the interest check, we would love to have at least 20 artists and 12 writers (5 artists and 3 writers per section) as well as 3-5 merch artists! These numbers are subject to change depending on the number of contributor apps we receive.
What will be the compensation for contributors?
As this will be a for-charity, digital-only zine, there will not be any financial compensation, but contributors will receive a PDF copy of the zine as well as any digital merch.
Piece specifications
What will be expected of me as a contributor?
Artists will be asked to create an illustration or comic featuring an OC couple that is inspired by Hades and Persephone. Both digital and traditional art will be allowed as long as the final piece is 300 dpi or higher! Other characters can be included in your piece as long as "Hades" and "Persephone" are the main focus.
Writers will be asked to create a short story or poem/series of poems featuring an OC couple that is inspired by Hades and Persephone. Since it's a digital zine, the word count will be flexible, but for fics we'll likely ask that you have at least 1000-ish words while not going over 3000-ish words. Other characters can be included in your piece as long as "Hades" and "Persephone" are the main focus.
Does my "Hades" character have to be male and my "Persephone" character have to be female?
Nope! Your couples can feature a male/female/non-binary/etc. "Hades" and "Persephone" in any combination! The only requirement is to have one person represent the "God of the Dead" and the other represent "God of the Spring".
Do my characters have to be actual gods like in the legend?
Nope! We'd love to see a mix of pieces featuring actual deities and human AUs!
Does my piece have to be set in a specific time period and/or culture?
Nope! Pieces can be set in any time period and in any location and culture. We're excited to see all the different AUs!
Is traditional art allowed?
Yes, absolutely! As long as we're able to receive high quality scans of the pieces, we would love to see some traditional artists in this project!
App Guidelines
Artist Apps
🌸 Submit 3 samples of your best work (fully lined and colored) - simple backgrounds (solid colors/gradients) are accepted!
🌸Make sure at least one sample features 2 characters interacting, preferably romatically!
🌸Submit samples that are in the style you would use in your piece
🌸Portfolios are optional but encouraged!
☠ Don't forget to make sure all links work! If your app is inaccessible, it cannot be reviewed!
☠ Although you may submit NSFW samples because both mods are 18+, this zine will be entirely SFW, so you shouldn't submit only NSFW samples!
Apps will be judged on: style-dependent anatomy, use of color, piece layout, visual story-telling
Writer Apps
🌸 Submit 3 samples of your best work (around 1000-1500 words each, or 3000-4500 words total - for poetry samples, disregard this word count)
🌸Make sure at least one sample features 2 characters interacting, preferably romantically
🌸Submit samples that are in the style you would use in your piece
🌸Portfolios are optional but encouraged!
☠ Don't forget to make sure all links work! If your app is inaccessible, it cannot be reviewed!
☠ Although you may submit NSFW samples because both mods are 18+, this zine will be entirely SFW, so you shouldn't submit only NSFW samples!
Apps will be judged on: grammar, spelling, ability to concisely tell a compelling narrative, characterization
Interest check: March 13 - March 27
Contributor apps: March 28 - April 25
Contributor results: April 30
Creation period: May 1 - August 22
🌸 Ideas by: May 8
🌸 Check-in 1: June 8
🌸 Check-in 2: July 8
🌸 Check-in 3: August 8
🌸 Final submission: August 22
Sales: TBD